Tento špeciálny high-endový grafický akcelerátor bol uvedený na trh pod názvom Eclipse, ale neskôr premenovaný na Eclipse II po uvoľnení nového drivera. Založený na Evans & Sutherland čipoch.
Eclipse dosahoval dvoj-troj násobný výkon ako kráľ na trhu Diamond Fire GL 3000.
This high-end graphic accelerator was initially anounced as Eclipse, but later renamed to Eclipse II after releasing new enhanced driver. Architecturally based based on Evans & Sutherland 3D accelerator chipset.
Eclipse has twice-tripple more performance, than king at that time Diamond Fire GL 3000.
Based on Mitsubishi 3DPro/2mp chipset co-developed by Evans & Sutherland (Evans & Sutherland core REALimage 1000 combined with Mitsubishi memory) combined with 15MB 3D-RAM FrameBuffer + 4 ($3,495) or 16MB CDRAM Texture Memory.